Saturday, October 17, 2009

Autumn herself

Madeliefste Oh was inspired by trees in this time of the year when she made her newest design called ‘Autumn herself ’. Autumn brings wonderful and vibrant colours to nature, and that is what we see back in this huge gown. Sunny yellow is combined with fading green, deep red and warm orange.

This extravagant design aims to surprise. When you see it from a far distance you might think ‘Wow, that is a long train on that gown’, but when you come closer you may ask yourself: ‘Is this actually a gown? It looks like this woman is wearing half a tree on her backside...’

The train of the gown is partly made of wood. There are branches that carry the autumn leaves printed fabric. The whole creation is covered with small leaves on branches that stick out of the fabric and also decorate the hair, which is part of the outfit.

‘Autumn herself ’ has the possibility to loose leaves. The woman or creature who wears the dress can decide whether she will keep her leaves with her or let them go. This is done with a fall script, that you can handle by chat. You just say ‘fall on’ of ‘fall of’ to control your leaves loss.

The beauty of autumn is short. Once the winds starts blowing trees will soon loose their gorgeous look, and in the end they will be naked, and must stay undressed for whole winter.
The creation is completed with wooden gloves and long branch fingers. These fingers are both a warning and an encouragement: a warning to prepare for the winter to come, and an encouragement to enjoy beauty as long as it lasts.

In the mainshop is a demo available